Sunday, 17 November 2019

Introducing Always for Animal Rights, Ottawa's first vegan radio show and podcast

Hello everyone! You might have been wondering what I’ve been working on lately, as I haven’t updated this blog in quite a while. Well, I’m pleased to announce that I’ve started a new radio show and podcast called Always for Animal Rights.

Always for Animal Rights is Ottawa's first radio show about animal rights, veganism, and activism. The show airs on CKCU 93.1 FM in Ottawa, Canada, every second Wednesday from 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm Eastern Time. It is also available for download as a podcast.

The show mainly consists of interviews, and I’ve had many excellent guests on the show so far. Here are the images I made for Instagram for the most recent two episodes...

If you'd like to check out the show blog, it can be found at